Wednesday, November 26, 2014


When I open the cover of a book
the story comes to life. Just look!
The words morph into a movie before your eyes.
Within your imagination, no lies.
Wolves in wedding dresses are master cooks!

Picture this: butterflies fly free;
fields of flowers; fields of green. Comely mystery.
Then the bees soon close follow.
But make a turn to the trees that are hollow.
The honey will be dripping soon. Yummy.

It's battle time. You hear a battle cry.
Metal chinking. Ouch! Stabbed in the eye.
Eyepatch on the pirate wooden leg.
Please don't steal me gold, I beg!
Arrrg! He made away with me gold. Sigh.

A creature with fangs stalks you in the night.
That creature? He's about to take a bite.
 Howling over the hills at the moon
is a predator. Bite is worse than doom.
And when they shift it's a sore for sight.

I can breathe underwater.
No worries about staying under longer.
I have gills carved on the side of my face.
Seaweed finish line in sight. I'm in a race.
With who you ask? Why, Triton's daughter.

I was never in control.
Dragon swallows you whole,
but you find a dry and safe match.
Read on. Here's another book, catch.
I have now completed my goal.


  1. Wow.I've always been impressed with your work. I'm very proud of you

  2. Wow.I've always been impressed with your work. I'm very proud of you
