Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Have you ever had a feeling that there was something your mind wanted you to say.
Needed you to say.
But it just lurked there on the tip of your brain just out of reach of your consciousness.
Never to touch your lips?
Thoughts never to meet air?
Thoughts never to be even fully thought about.

Because if you did:

Everything would get better.
You finally said something that you needed to say.
You said something that when withheld blocks you from growing.
Blocks you from ever fully thinking in depth about anything.

Now your mind is free...

...only if only.
Yet, it never leaves the tip of your brain.
You stay in some sort of foggy state.
You can't think.
You cant feel.
And you can't tell if the wounds will ever heal.
You think things out.
But only as far as the block will allow.
Then you stop.
You forget.
You succumb.
To your mind.
Now you're numb.
You're back where you started.
Nothing was done.
Nothing was done.