Thursday, November 27, 2014

Just a thought..

I wonder why people ask how other people are doing when they don't really truly care. It's become a phrase people use just as common as "hi". The other day, yesterday in fact, I was walking down a hallway and a person said "How are you?" really fast, because they were obviously in a hurry, and kept on walking. Didn't even wait to hear an answer. Not even the passive "Good, you?" Now, when I ask a person how they are doing I really want to know how they are doing. What is all wrapped up inside that one question, to me, is: How is your physical well-being? How is your emotional state? Your mental state of mind? Spiritually? How is your soul doing? And if they don't understand where I'm coming from and they say something passive I say, well, what made you feel that way. Or what made your day awesome, or terrible, or good.

But if they just don't want to talk about something then why don't they just say that? I may just be a blunt person living in a world where people try their darned hardest to be proper and not get on others nerves, but I care about people (not necessarily their view of me) and since I don't know when I'm going to die, I ain't going to tip toe around people so I don't upset them by what I have to say. Especially if it's not even bad!

So, I think if you're going to ask someone how they are doing, truly mean it and look for a real answer. Because too often, people will give a passive answer and won't tell anybody their true emotion. Keep it all bottled up inside. That is self-harm.

1 comment:

  1. That is true. I had never thought about it before.
